It was 8:00 am and like always, I was late. "I had to be at the talk at around 9:45, but oh my, I woke up at 8:00", I said to myself, "for God's sake, hurry up. You're speaking in this Ted Talk. I mean, wasn't this your all-time dream." To which my brain replied, "Hahaha! Yeah. But you know the rule, Ahmed, sleep rules over everything." I jolted myself up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom, quickly dressed myself up. I didn't pay much attention to what I was wearing, and it was like I was just throwing clothes all over me. One after the other and then other until eventually, I looked in the mirror and found myself all ready and set for the talk. At least that's what I thought. I didn't have much time, and I still have to prepare my speech; therefore, I opted for an Uber. Now, I am someone who uses Uber Pool and that too with walk option. But I was in a rush. I also knew opting for the usual would delay me to my fi...