Human beings, biologically called as Homo-Sapiens, are
species famous for haunting anything in their surrounding be it on land, air or
even in the depths of water. They are blamed for making many species go extinct
and our dear soldiers of sea, Mangroves are undergoing similar fate.
Mangroves are various types of trees up to medium
height and shrubs that
grow in saline coastal sediment habitats in the tropics and
Mangroves make a special saltwater woodland or
shrub land habitat,
called a mangrove swamp or mangrove forest. These swamp in turn protect
the shores from high tides by acting as resistance and reducing the intensity. Moreover
numerous fish use them as shelter and lay eggs in the swamps.
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Seeds collected from Sea |
In Pakistan, mangroves are located mainly along the delta of
the Indus
River (the Indus River Delta-Arabian Sea
mangroves eco region). Major mangrove forests are found on the
coastline of the provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan. In Karachi, land
reclamation projects have led to the cutting down of mangrove forests for
commercial and urban development. In other regions, mangroves were used for
fire and it is reported that around 36,000 tons of mangrove wood was used for
fire on coastal area (IUCN - Pakistan, 2005 report) and about 16,000 camels, 4,000-6,000 cows and water buffaloes and
2,500 – 3,000 cattle graze in mangroves and all of these activities resulted in
almost 604,870 hector area of mangrove in 1932 to an approx. 86,000 in 2005 (source: coastal
environmental management plan for Pakistan, UNESCAP, GOP, 1996 Mangroves of
Pakistan – Status & Management, IUCN Pakistan, 2005).
Moreover, Scarcity of Fresh Water due to construction of
dams and barrages reduces water volume and increase siltation which in turn
affect the habitats of mangroves. The famous pollution plays another vital role
in the destruction of mangroves habitat. According to Karachi Development Authority
(in 2000) marine pollution is combined effect of Municipal Waste (104 million
gallons/day), Industrial Waste (175 million gallons/day) and Oil Pollution (1.5
million tons/year). Though government of Pakistan had tried to prevent the
marine pollution by making laws (Pakistan Penal Code 1861, Port Act 1905 and Factories
Act 1934) but like we all know that in Pakistan basic human laws are violated
so who will even care about the mangroves. Also, improper management and over
exploitation, changes in composition of vegetation and sea intrusion are some
of the other factors that furthermore helps destroying the mangrove habitat.
Efforts of rehabilitation are taking place in Pakistan, at
present two species namely, Acaecia and Rhizophora are been used for
plantation. KPT (Karachi Port Trust), Pakistan Coast Guards and other naval
units including the Pakistan Navy (Pak Bahria) are playing vital roles in rehabilitation.
One of the methodology observe by KPT and PCG are that they go in sea regions
to gather the seeds of mangroves. Which are the planted in fresh water and
after the seedling is mature enough it is taken out and replanted in swamp.
Pakistan had a record for planting highest number of saplings within a day,
when 750,000 mangrove saplings were planted at Kharo Chan, Thatta on 22 June
2013, in a little over 12 hours. (Tribune Newspaper).
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Acaecia Sampling Nursery |
The reason I am writing this article is because of the fact
that although many efforts are taking place yet still people are not aware of
the importance of mangroves. As said by an official of KPT there are many individuals
still playing a role in cutting down the mangroves for urbanization, using them
as grazing source and also for fire-wood. The folks are also involve in
polluting the sea and ensuring that the rehabilitation efforts fail. I request
all the reader to play a role in rehabilitation of our soldiers of sea by either
planting mangroves if you can or avoid to play a role in marine pollution or by
simply creating awareness by either on your own or simple sharing the article.
Ahmed RIK
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